Fra virkeligheten


Amerikanske Savannah Baker postet mandag 03.06.19 et innlegg på sin Facebookside hvor hun fortalte om bilulykken hun, mannen og deres to barn ble utsatt for noen dager tidligere. 

Savannah hadde bare dager i forveien postet et bilde av deres fire år gamle gutt og hans lillebror som begge satt bakovervendt. Fireåringen snudde de fremovervendt for en liten stund siden, men siden han sparket i seteryggen foran og fortsatt var innenfor grensene til å bruke setet bakovervendt (amerikanske seter er litt annerledes enn euorpeiske) valgte de å snu han bakovervendt igjen kort tid før ulykken.

Selve ulykken skjedde ved at de ble påkjørt fra siden i et kryss, og bilen ble videre slengt inn i en lyktestolpe på den andre siden av veien. Alle fire kom ifra det uten alvorlige skader.
Både legen på akuttmottaket, flere sykepleiere og medisinsk personell som var på ulykkesstedet fortalte foreldrene gjentatte ganger at det var takket være de bakovervendte setene at barna kom unnav ulykken uten alvorlige skader. 

Her er Savannahs innlegg: 

"When I saw my car today, for the first time since our accident, all I could do was shake like a leaf, and sob.

I can not believe I walked away from this two days ago.
I can not believe my babies walked away from this two days ago.

On Saturday morning, for those who've missed it, we were t-boned on the passenger side while making a left turn, and pushed into a light pole on the driver's side. Jackson, my youngest, was sitting in the back passenger side and was knocked unconscious in the accident and took several minutes to wake up again. He suffered a mild concussion, and we all have some pretty gnarly bumps and bruises, but thanks to proper car safety, we survived.

A few weeks before the accident, I posted a picture of the kids sleeping in my backseat (photo three). Someone commented and asked if Andrew, my four year old, was still rear facing. They were asking this because when he turned four, I had turned him around to face forward. But, because he's four and was constantly kicking the back of our seats (and was still under the limits of his seat), we decided to turn him back around and wait a little longer. 

And now, this is the back seat today (see photo four).I am so thankful we made that decision to turn him back around. My children are ALIVE, they survived this horrific event with very minor injuries (see photo five, which was them today in their seats given to us by the hospital).

The ER doctor, several nurses, the first responders, and even some random bystanders told me REPEATEDLY that the reason my children were not in critical condition, or dead, was because they were facing rear and PROPERLY buckled into the car. I'm so happy I've always been such a car seat stickler. And I always will be.
Check your children's seat. Check it twice. Do your research. Make sure they are safe EVERY time.

Also, I definitely am not discounting the miracle that happened here. Someone out there was definitely looking out for us that day.

ETA: Thank you Graco Children's Products for making car seats that have allowed us to rear face for so long, and that saved my children's lives! My youngest was in the 4Ever, and my 4-year-old was in the Extend2Fit.
